Alex Chang
Senior Vice President
Alex leads the operation of TIEF Fund as a senior member at ITIC. He’s the ultimate polymath, with four Masters’ degrees (two of them from Stanford) and venture experience in various high-tech industries for over 25 years.
Prior to ITIC, Alex worked with the CEO of LITE-ON IT (the No.1 optical disc drive maker worldwide with US$2B revenue) to develop new businesses and strategic investments. Alex also worked for AES, a leading US-based power company, and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) with its President (and Energy Advisor to the US President) Dr. Chauncey Starr.
What’s the greatest value you bring to startups?
I coach the founding team to shape their business with multi-disciplinary expertise to elevate their success rates. I’ve successfully orchestrated many of ITRI’s spin-off and spin-in ventures. For example, on behalf of ITIC, I set up a joint venture with Delta Electronic Group to found DelSolar, an ITRI spin-off that grew its annual revenues to US$215 million with net profits of US$23 million within 4 years, and subsequently went public.
To you, what’s the most important trait of a good VC?
The most important trait of a good VC is vision – the ability to discern insights behind the scenes.